
What do Conservatives think of John McCain? 4

After the economy was hit with the credit derivatives disaster, he showed his utter lack of understanding about how McCain's own career of championing of deregulation was at fault for it and tried to shovel blame onto anyone or anything but himself and his party's ideologies. Even the conservative Wall Street Journal mocked McCain's incompetent knee-jerk reaction:
To give readers a flavor of Mr. McCain untethered, we'll quote at length: "Mismanagement and greed became the operating standard while regulators were asleep at the switch. The primary regulator of Wall Street, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) kept in place trading rules that let speculators and hedge funds turn our markets into a casino. They allowed naked short selling -- which simply means that you can sell stock without ever owning it. They eliminated last year the uptick rule that has protected investors for 70 years. Speculators pounded the shares of even good companies into the ground.

"The chairman of the SEC serves at the appointment of the President and has betrayed the public's trust. If I were President today, I would fire him."

Wow. "Betrayed the public's trust." Was Mr. Cox dishonest? No. He merely changed some minor rules, and didn't change others, on short-selling. String him up! Mr. McCain clearly wants to distance himself from the Bush Administration. But this assault on Mr. Cox is both false and deeply unfair. It's also un-Presidential.

After praising the fundamentals of the economy in the morning, after disaster had already struck and following up with a series of incomprehensible statements begging for more of the same, McCain's erratic reactions finally turned McCain into a scapegoating Cox-sacker.

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