I am sitting here listening to the hearing on this and all I keep hearing is “think about this from the American taxpayer who is already on the hook”… BS
The only people already on the hook are the one’s that own these banks.
The Europeans are having the same problem and their answer? Let the banks get through it on their own. If that doesn’t clue everyone into how much of a fallacy this whole issue is, I don’t know what will?
Rush into the Iraq war…
fear! fear! FEAR!
Rush into the patriot act!
fear! fear! FEAR!
Rush into fixing (PRIVATIZE IT, DAMNIT!) social security…
fear! fear! FEAR!
Rush into a bailout of incompetent banks...
Fuck the fearmongering!
Banking disaster? Only if you own one of these failed banks… I am not buying this “bush reality” - not even a little bit.
It all looks like a massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich for no other purpose than to support their failure at our expense.
The fear of a looming recession? We are in it whether or not these banks fail and it is going to get worse whether or not these banks fail. I have a great idea! Let a couple of these banks go under and watch what happens? If I were a betting man, I would be willing to bet someone will profit off of it, and we will still be in a recession.
I'm with ya, pal. Let 'em sink. Someone will fill the vacuum.
I just can't see giving money to criminal idiots.
I agree! If I could design a page, it would be fuckthebanks.com!
Enough trickle down economics for the rich. Have the government lend directly to the people at 4% from the Fed and presto!
No need for these greedy idiots.
Now you see that the banks in europe are failing even when they insure all deposits. The bailout in the us was needed in its original form and days after the request. However, the way the bill passed was a failure. The timing was bad the 700 billion was turned into 150 billion, and meanwhile the mortgage backed securities outstanding are over 3 trillion. The bill is a failure the plan is a failure and by letting the credit crisis grow our economy will see a downside worse than the 1857 crisis. When banks fail the rest of us fail.
I agree. What the hell kind of democracy is this when the majority of us share your sentiment but the officials we elected continue to vote for these bailouts? The middle class is getting screwed from every angle!
I'm trying to buy a foreclosed property from a bank right now. You know what the irony of the whole situation is? They'll jump through hoops to make sure that buying said property (ahem... read 'helping to bail their sorry asses out') virtually impossible. I just received word from the title company that the bank attorneys informed them that ooops... the bank never held the fucking title to the property in the first place. What the fuck guys?
Let the banks go broke, we don't need them, they need us. Get rid of the Fed (it's a privately owned bank, owned by foreign off-shore bankers) send the politicians to the Middle East instead of our troops who are supposed to be a defence force, not an offence force and bring back the Greenback based upon the GNP of the country and get rid of 'fractional reserve banking' as it is the biggest Ponzi scheme ever divised. Then hand over the bankers to China for slave labour to pay off the debt they occurred in our name. Or just put them against the big wall of China.....I'm sure they know what to do with these traitors. The wat things are going now we'll soon be wiping our butts with dollar bills as it will be cheaper than toiletpaper if we let the banks have their way.......
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