My colleague Barbara Kaye (University of Tennessee) and I (Texas Tech) need your help. We are asking you if you would please publicize our survey about blogging and the Iraq War. Results from an earlier version of the survey has been published in academic journals and books as well as presented at international conferences.
We are trying to reach blog users from a wide range of political perspectives and from a wide variety of types of blogs, so participation of your readers is important. Would you be so kind to announce our survey on your blogs?
Grab your favorite libation and Drink Liberally with the only Blogger guaranteed to be plastered all over the Internet!
Gulp for GONEzales
It's popcorn time, as John Stewart of The Daily Show catches GONEzo in another lie and points out the impeachability factor based on James Comey's testimony with a GULP:
Wolfowitz Extra Crispy
Well... One more neocon PNAC chickenhawk is negotiating his own plucking end:Embattled World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz is negotiating an agreement to resign, according to an official familiar with the talks.
His departure would include an acknowledgment from the bank that he doesn't bear sole responsibility for the controversy surrounding a generous pay package for his girlfriend, the official said.
The official said Wolfowitz wanted the bank to accept some responsibility for conflicts of interest cited against him by a special bank panel. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the delicate state of the negotiations.
It was not clear whether the bank's 24-member board would accept Wolfowitz's terms.
Don't take it on his terms. Just go ahead and fry his sorry ass.
Today it is a well done deal:
Wolfowitz's departure ends a two-year run at the development bank that was marked by controversy from the start, given his previous role as a major architect of the Iraq war when he served as the No. 2 official at the Pentagon.
"He assured us that he acted ethically and in good faith in what he believed were the best interests of the institution and we accept that," the board said in its announcement of his resignation.
His departure was all but forced, however, by the finding of a special bank panel that he violated conflict-of-interest rules in his handling of the 2005 pay package of bank employee Shaha Riza.
As per usual, the neocon doesn't take full responsibility for his own failures. But at least this one is gone for now.
Judge Tells All Star to Get the Buses Rolling
The Board of Education won the first round of its legal battle to end the bus drivers' strike Wednesday, when a judge told All-Star Transportation to immediately restore full service to the town's six schools.
Litchfield Superior Court Judge John Pickard's ruling is a hollow victory, however, because there are not enough licensed and certified drivers available to cover all the routes.
If you go to the story the comments section is pretty funny. I don't know if those of you wanting to sue the union realize how silly that idea is. They didn't sign a contract with the city, All Star did. And since there are no real health or safety issues involved there is very little the judge can say to the union to force them back to work. This isn't like an ambulance, police, or nurse strike where basic services are deemed a necessity for the public good. This is an inconvenience, not a hazard, to the community. I may not be a lawyer, but this seems like common sense to me.
I am starting to think that All Star, judging by their behaviour, is purposely trying to get this contract canned by the city.
Did they stupidly negotiate a bad contract with a ridiculously low cost of fuel figured in or something? (There is a war AND an occupation going on right now... Figure the odds that fuel prices would go up? D'oh!)
If the contract gets tossed who is there left for the town to renegotiate a new and more lucrative contract with? (All Star is the only game in town at the moment... And they know it.)
Or maybe the company will close up and sell off to another company OR resurface incorporated under another name in order to avoid dealing with the union at all... (Classic union busting techniques, yes?)
With the way politics works these days I would not be surprised to see the BOE fire them, only to sign a new contract with the same company (under a new name or not) that is more profitable to the company. There has to be more to this than just the 50 cent difference between what the company is offering and the drivers want. It should be interesting when the judge orders arbitration, which is the only likely legal recourse available at this point in time.
The Real Galvanization of the Radical Christian Movement
Kevin Drum at the Washington Monthly pointed me towards this Guardian piece on Falwell and the conservative movement:
The religious right's creation myth holds that Roe v Wade so outraged the faithful that they could no longer sit passively on their pews. As the Columbia University historian Randall Balmer has shown, this is nonsense. The Southern Baptist Convention, Falwell's denomination, was officially pro-choice throughout the 1970s; anti-abortion activism was seen as the province of Catholics, a group then widely despised by fundamentalist Protestants.
No, what really galvanized the religious right were Supreme Court rulings stripping whites-only Christian academies, like the one Falwell founded in 1966, of their tax-exempt status. Fervent opposition to abortion, which eventually cemented the alliance between conservative Protestant and Catholics, came later.
I wonder if there was a "we'll-talk-about-abortion-if-you-drop-the-death-penalty" agreement between movement conservative protestants and conservative Catholics.
The fact that the Catholic Church has been silenced over the last couple decades on the death penalty (which disproportionally impacts blacks to an alarming degree) - while the evangelical world has become radicalized on abortion (when there's significant doubt about when a "life" is formed, even in the text of the Bible) - will be seen as a low point in the history of otherwise honorable religious communities.
The tragedy is that Falwell's movement wound up as nothing more than an engine for converting the charity and goodwill of those following the Prince of Peace into an army waging all-out war against the world's poor, oppressed, outcast, and downtrodden, for nothing more principled than a buck.
Pretty sad that anyone would even consider putting wackos like this on TV as if they had some sort of credibility in their positions.
Political blog survey
" In the Inbox, from Tom Johnston
Neocon Wolfowitz Resigning
Embattled World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz is negotiating an agreement to resign, according to an official familiar with the talks.
His departure would include an acknowledgment from the bank that he doesn't bear sole responsibility for the controversy surrounding a generous pay package for his girlfriend, the official said.
The official said Wolfowitz wanted the bank to accept some responsibility for conflicts of interest cited against him by a special bank panel. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the delicate state of the negotiations.
It was not clear whether the bank's 24-member board would accept Wolfowitz's terms.
Don't take it on his terms. Just go ahead and fry his sorry ass.
Rahm Emanuel Needs a Kick in the Ass
This is another in a series of ongoing posts following the announcement of a secret free trade deal on May 10, 2007 between a handful of senior Democrats and the Bush administration.Six days after the press conference announcing a secret free trade deal between Democratic congressional leaders and the Bush White House, a full-scale revolt appears to be brewing on Capitol Hill. Rank-and-file Democratic lawmakers have demanded an immediate debate about the deal, and Democratic leaders have responded by rejecting such a request. A top Democratic senator says K Street is receiving a "wink and nod" from the White House that the final legislative language - which has not been made public - will allow the Bush administration to avoid enforcing any of the much-touted standards in the deal. GOP leaders, meanwhile, are signaling that the deal will not be incorporated into the core text of trade agreements at all. And, of course, almost every news outlet has refused to report that top K Street lobbyists have said they have received "assurances" that the deal's provisions on labor and the environment will be unenforceable. Here's today's full news report.
Continue reading SECRET TRADE DEAL - DAY 6: Senator Says K Street Getting "Wink & Nod" From Bush»
He has put up Emanuel's answer to the calls for transparency in this important debate:
Earlier this week the Politico reported that Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) responded to a reporter's inquiry about whether he supports lobbying reform by pulling his best Dick Cheney impression and telling the reporter to "Go f___ yourself." Coincidentally (or not) I received something of the same treatment from Emanuel in response to my ongoing coverage of the secret trade deal that Emanuel yesterday blocked a formal Democratic debate on. I received an email from Emanuel's spokesperson telling me that I "may disagree with Rahm's position on many issues and we don't necessarily care that that is the case."What's funny/pathetic is that Emanuel (or at least his staff) seems to see the trade issue which affects the entire globe, which the American public is deeply concerned about and which was a central piece of the 2006 election as some sort of personal rivalry between lawmakers like him and writers like me. How hilarious/sad it is when Washington insiders get such a bad case of Potomac Fever that they lose all touch with reality. Again, it's reminiscent of Cheney, who in response to questions about the war said that the American public's opinion doesn't matter. Apparently, America's opposition to lobbyist written trade policy is something that leaders like Emanuel "don't necessarily care" about.
Last Monday Sirota was on Lou Dobbs Tonight to talk about this issue:
Rell and Republicans: Grandstanding for the sucker vote
Rell endorsed the idea several hours after Republican legislators introduced the measure at a press conference at the state Capitol complex. They vowed to force the Democrat-controlled legislature to vote on the issue, possibly in the next three days when the House is in session.
"This is an irresponsible, half-baked scheme by the Republicans to appease the public with pennies, while costing the state over $120 million," Amann said. "Their annual sideshow is about as helpful to Connecticut drivers as the governor's press release last week calling for a national investigation into gasoline prices. It's embarrassing."
Amann said the legislature cannot guarantee that prices will drop at the pumps, because lawmakers do not control gasoline prices. Proponents of the measure said, however, that regardless of the price of gas, motorists would be paying 25 cents less per gallon.
Not only is Amann correct, but the fact is I can think of a lot better ways to spend excesses in government money that would benefit everyone. You can be damned certain that the price of gas would just go right back up shortly after they dropped the tax with distributors and oil companies soaking up even more excessive profits than they are already getting.
You want to do something that will really make a difference? Raise the tax another dime and put it towards developing alternative energy sources like windmill farms and solar energy.
The GOP needs to keep their short sighted ideas designed to appease the sucker voter to themselves. There are many reasons why the hamburger party is in decline in Connecticut and across the nation... Their fiscal irresponsibility is just another one of them.
Joe Neocon Lieberman Raising Money For Collins
It isn't enough to simply endorse all of the republican candidates, now he is raising money for these dirtbags:
Not only has Lieberman endorsed Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine.) -- one of Democrats' biggest targets in the 2008 cycle -- but he's planning to co-host a fundraiser for her on June 21 in Washington, D.C.
The event, which will be held in a Capitol Hill location still to be determined, will feature Lieberman and Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) -- a very rare bipartisan fundraiser. Attendees are being asked to raise $3,000; $2,000 would come in the form of a political action committee donation while the other $1,000 would be a personal contribution, according to an electronic invite for the fundraiser obtained today by The Fix.
Harry Reid needs to dump him and give someone like Chuck Hagel the job on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Dump Lieberman and give it to Hagel outright. No strings attached except the expectation for him to run it honorably and in a bipartisan manner.
Tim Griffin, the Caging Lists and GONEzales
Greg Palast exposes true intent, cover up and criminal acts of Bush administration's US Attorney scandal. In summary, it's about wrongfully charging Democrats with made up crimes in order to influence the outcome of elections. In other words, it's about stealing elections or subverting our democracy. Just more evidence of the Bush administration's stated goal of turning America into a one-party state. Which comes pretty close to meeting the definition of treason.
Did he say treason? SNAP! I thought he said that...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
It should get interesting as Palast will now turn over to Conyers the many RNC Emails that they accidentally sent to him.
As a side note: Who knew that Tom Cruise was playing David Iglesius in the movie A Few Good Men? News to me... I guess the bush administration can't handle the truth.
War Breaks Out in Orchestra

Rumour has it that after meddling in the music of this orchestra a war broke out between the strings and the woodwind sections...
He's King Midas in Reverse.