They are now advocating FOR suicide?
"How come we don't just give Chris Dodd painkillers? Like a handful of them at a time! He can wash it down with Ted Kennedy's whiskey...!"
Yeah. They are crazy. Sorry. I couldn't wait around long enough for them to spout the communist stuff again. But many were there for this healthcare event and heard these fringe nuts and can corroborate that fact.
CTNewsjunkie has a great write up on the healthcare event and some more on the Dump Dodd crazies, and My Left Nutmeg does a great job figuring out who these Dump Dodd nuts are.
[update] Both Rachel Maddow and KO on Countdown picked up this video which I saw on the late night repeats after some at MLN and on twitter told me about it. Anyways...
Josh Marshal points to a post at TPM DC where they picked up the Dodd suicide video, as did The Political Carnival where GottaLaff was nice enough to link to ePluribus Media when she found out I did the video. Also, it was put up early this morning by tparty at MLN when I pointed it out to them. Thanks kindly for picking it up. Via avahome: AMERICAblog picked it up too. I guess it is going a bit viral now? Well? "Dump Dodd" was complaing that they didn't get any exposure from the event... You are welcome! /snickers