
Let's Take a Shot at the Media

How can I possibly top that introduction? I'm so happy - I'm tearing up! Actually, if I can add just a dash of local flavor to this bubbling cauldron of intellectual give and take, Connecticut Man1 can add a micro-brew to his menu of libations. Cheers!

Let's Take a Shot at the Media

While I'd love to start off with the usual suspects (Town Council, Mayor, Republicans, Democrats, Board of Ed), today an editorial appeared in the Danbury News-Times that deserves attention. After multiple editorials calling for support of education, that education was the most important responsibility of a community, they rip the New Milford BOE for instituting Pay-to-Play instead of cutting more teaching positions. Can you say hypocritical? Worse than flip-flopping, however, is the "fact" they use regarding the fees. Does each student have to pay $150 for each sport? NO. Each family would pay one time - only $150 - to play sports at the high school. If you play 3 sports, your fee is only $150 for the entire year. Didn't your reporters pass this up to the corner office? Or do you trust Roger Szendy to do your reporting?

The News-Times also forgot to mention that the BOE voted 8-0 to accept Pay-to-Play. 5 Republicans, 3 Democrats. Unanimous. Bipartisan. Buh-bye now...

Why doesn't the News-Times mention their disdain for other districts that have Pay-to-Play? How about a comparison?

Did you notice the editorial called the Town Council's $1.8 million cut unreasonable? Let's face it: the TC is the real problem.

We are not losing out in the world economy because of lack of atheltic opportunities. We could play Singapore in any sport (other than ping pong) and crush them - but will that get these kids jobs in the future? Will that pay for Grandma's social security? Will we have to pay to incarcerate these kids for a lot more $$ in the future?

Stop the flip-floping, News-Times. Take your responsibility seriously.

Read the editorial, and let me know what you think. Was I fair and balanced?


Connecticut Man1 asked: Is this now a movement or a drinking game? LOL! I loved quarters in college, and playing "Bob" was always fun. But, sadly, some of the locals view our lives as part of a game, and they'll screw any of us in order to win. So, I hope it's a movement (but I'll be sipping on a cold one in the back yard tonight, enjoying the sunset over the hills of New Milford).


Welcome News on Ramping up Blog Production in New Milford

As the next big election season starts to heat up... I just wanted to note that this place will start getting a little more interesting. There a lot of great races on the radar, with the Governor's race, a Senate seat and the endless campaign campaigns on the House side, of course.

But, even better, IMHO, is that if you look over at the sidebar in the drunk tank you might notice that there are now two authors for this Blog.

CT Fair and Balanced is local to New Milford and I believe has an even better handle on the local politics than I do. I've always been so busy on national politics that I've never had the time to focus on it, myself, and with any of the depth that it probably should be explored. But CT Fair and Balanced will be posting on whomever or whatever is at the tips of the typing fingers.

I will still be brewing up my regular stuff here but now you may even find some breaks from the monotony of my own personal opinions on subjects and campaigns of local and national importance.

Now there remains but one question to be answered:

With two people on this Blog, does this officially make it a movement or a drinking game?

I may be slightly nuts but since I can't dance I know I have my own opinion on that... Cheers! :)