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Why Are "Serious People" The Last To Know?
It is not just that the Joe Kleins, Bill Kristols, and every other punch drunk hawk pundit wannabe on both the right and the left has been so wrong on so many important topics... But every metric they have used to come to their failed decisions has been equally as wrong as well. When it came to Iraq, the bell hadn't even wrung yet and they were all out cold on the mat.
To put it simply? No, we will never trust any of your suggestions, ideas or your reasoning ever again. No, we will not ask you for your opinions. And No! Don't bother to offer them. Not from any of you "Serious People" going through life ignorant of your own serious deficiencies when it comes to critical thinking.
Stop Gotcha Politics on Iraq?
Try this one on:
Stop thinking we take any of you seriously...
I was going to tear some of this piece up later.
But... Ding! Ding! Ding!
Don't bother putting your gloves on...
The knockout punch has already landed.
Has Clinton Hit The Bottom Of The Sink Yet?
UMMM? I yanked this screencap from the site. Is that supposed to resemble a black man hanging in that YouTube cartoon there? I'm not sayin' but, ya know... Well? Of all the screngrabs they could have picked in that video. That seems pretty darn intentional.
Add to that the Al Jolson look of the character "Felix the Cat" to begin with. WTF are those people thinking? Is an "official" Clinton campaign site?
The Clinton Myth - The Dem Primary is Over
The Politico hits the reality nail on the head with this:
Story behind the story: The Clinton mythClinton's likely reaction to being told this truth... Well? A picture is worth a thousand words:
One big fact has largely been lost in the recent coverage of the Democratic presidential race: Hillary Rodham Clinton has virtually no chance of winning.
Her own campaign acknowledges there is no way that she will finish ahead in pledged delegates. That means the only way she wins is if Democratic superdelegates are ready to risk a backlash of historic proportions from the party’s most reliable constituency.
Unless Clinton is able to at least win the primary popular vote — which also would take nothing less than an electoral miracle — and use that achievement to pressure superdelegates, she has only one scenario for victory. An African-American opponent and his backers would be told that, even though he won the contest with voters, the prize is going to someone else.
People who think that scenario is even remotely likely are living on another planet.

Even the more ardent Hillary Clinton supporters are being forced to face this reality:
Pretty MuchNo doubt about it. I will give Marshall props for showing a more reasonable amount of reality than the media ever did over the last month as he has slowly moved closer to this truth, but never quite outright stated it. So when you hear one of the most incompetent Dem political campaign gurus ever say stuff like this concerning Bill Richardson's endorsement of Obama:As Jim Vandehei and Mike Allen argue in this piece in The Politico, the press has been largely complicit in maintaining the fiction that the Democratic nomination race is not for all intents and purposes over. The obstacles in the way of Hillary Clinton are virtually insurmountable. And her now-sizable deficit among pledged voters is only one of them. Everyone in the press, probably including us, should be much more candid about that.
“The time that he could have been effective has long since passed,” he continued, “I don’t think it is a significant endorsement in this environment.”Mark Penn may have inadvertently got something half-right for a change! Remember that there truly is no longer any significant endorsement in this environment because...-Democratic campaign dingleberry Mark Penn
And that is pretty much a fact...
McCain Biography Royally Flushed by Facts

So much for the royal bloodlines of "McCain the Bruce":
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) doesn’t have royal blood.
Publishers of McCain’s book, Hard Call, say that the senator is “related to the Scottish king, Robert the Bruce, on his mother’s side,” but “genealogists and medieval historian” tasked to investigate the link say it’s not so, calling it “wonderful fiction” and “baloney”.
Much like his campaign.
McCain BFF Hagee - Clinton Makes the Wright Friend

As for McCain? Considering he went out of his way to get the support of hate monger John Haggee, I fully expect the same for and from him. Here is just a sample of some of the hate that has come out of Hagee's gaping piehole from Glen Greenwald:
Yesterday, though, the equally fringe, radical and hateful (at least) Rev. John Hagee -- a white evangelical who is the pastor of a sprawling "mega-church" in Texas -- enthusiastically endorsed John McCain. Did McCain have to jump through the same hoops which Russert and others set up for Obama and "denounce" Hagee's extremism and "reject" his support? No; quite the opposite. McCain said he was "very honored" to receive this endorsement and, when asked about some of Hagee's more twisted views, responded: "all I can tell you is that I am very proud to have Pastor John Hagee's support."
McCain's sainted supporter, Joe Lieberman, last year spoke to Hagee's group and lavished him with such obsequious praise that Lieberman actually compared Hagee, favorably, to Moses. Why is Louis Farrakhan deemed by our political establishment to be so radioactive as to not be fit for good company -- black candidates are required to repudiate his support even when they haven't sought it and denounce his views even when they've never advocated anything close to those views -- but John Hagee is a perfectly acceptable figure whom mainstream GOP politicians are free to court without any consequences or media objections?
Here is just a small sampling of the belief system of this welcomed McCain supporter:
* All Muslims are programmed to kill and we can thus never negotiate with any of them. From an NPR interview Hagee gave to Terry Gross in 2006:TG: If you use the Bible as the basis for policy, is there any room for compromise? And if you use the bible as the basis for policy, should Muslims use the Koran as the basis for their policy, and then again, what possible basis is there for compromise at that point?* God caused Hurricane Katrina to wipe out New Orleans because it had a gay pride parade the week before and was filled with sexual sin. From the same interview:JH: There is really no room for compromise between radical Islam --
TG: I'm not talking about radical Islam. I'm just talking about Islam in general.
JH: Well Islam in general -- those who live by the Koran have a scriptural mandate to kill Christians and Jews.
JH: All hurricanes are acts of God, because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they were recipients of the judgment of God for that.* The End Times -- Rapture -- is imminent and the U.S. Government must do what it can to hasten it, which at minimum requires: (a) a war with Iran and (b) undying, absolute support for a unified Israel, including all Occupied Territories (hence, Joe Lieberman's love affair with them). From Christian Palestinian Daoud Kuttab in The New York Times (h/t PZ Meyers):The newspaper carried the story in our local area, that was not carried nationally, that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came. And the promise of that parade was that it would was going to reach a level of sexuality never demonstrated before in any of the other gay pride parades.
So I believe that the judgment of God is a very real thing. I know there are people who demur from that, but I believe that the Bible teaches that when you violate the law of God, that God brings punishment sometimes before the Day of Judgment, and I believe that the Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans.
A small minority of evangelical Christians have entered the Middle East political arena with some of the most un-Christian statements I have ever heard. . . . [Rev.] Hagee, a popular televangelist who leads the 18,000-member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, ratcheted up his rhetoric this year with the publication of his book, "Jerusalem Countdown," in which he argues that a confrontation with Iran is a necessary precondition for Armageddon (which will mean the death of most Jews, in his eyes) and the Second Coming of Christ. In the best-selling book, Hagee insists that the United States must join Israel in a preemptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God's plan for both Israel and the West.Hagee believes that "the president's support for Israel fulfills a biblical injunction to protect the Jewish state," which "will play a pivotal role in the second coming." These views are not unrelated to Hagee's support for McCain. Quite the contrary; Hagee cited McCain's so-called "pro-Israel views," his belligerence towards Iran, and his social conservatism as reasons for the endorsement.
But that is not all... Not by a longshot. I may not be fan of some of the Catholic churches past stances, but the McCain loving wingnutty Hagee takes hatred, bigotry and religious zealotry to ridiculous ends of extremism when it comes to the Catholic church comparig them to "whores," "Adolf Hitler" and the anti-Christ. Hagee in his own words:
This guy is so over the top with his bigoted views that any honest merican would be demanding McCain's apologies and political thumping against endorsements like this. Meanwhile, Obama is asked to bend over backwards to denounce people he doesn't even associate with:
Although cavorting with the likes of Pat Robertson and John Hagee is perfectly acceptable in Russert World, Russert also demanded, back in January, 2006, that Obama opine on various controversial remarks from the highly influential political philosopher Harry Belafonte (h/t JKP1000):This whole Wright issue is clearly a manufactured rightwing media hit job on Obama while ignoring the same from other more conservatively palatable candidates like Hillary Clinton and John McCain.MR. RUSSERT: I want to talk a little bit about the language people are using in the politics now of 2006, and I refer you to some comments that Harry Belafonte made yesterday. He said that Homeland Security had become the new Gestapo. What do you think of that?Obama is required to denounce certain people with whom he has no connection while the likes of Bush, McCain, Lieberman and Giuliani are free to associate themselves openly with the most extremist elements around.MR. RUSSERT: Mr. Belafonte went to Venezuela, as you well know, some time ago and met with the Hugo Chavez, leader of that country, and said some things that obviously were noted in this country and around the world. Let’s listen, and come back and talk about it.
(Videotape, January 8, 2006) . . .
MR. RUSSERT: Is it appropriate to call the President of the United States "the greatest terrorist in the world"?
I am not an Obama supporter, nor am I even Dem... But even I can see through this charade.
Clinton wants you to ignore everything in her past experience as the world leading 'First Lady' role that won't portray her in a perfect light. She will stand aside and, sometimes, even encourage these ridiculous attacks on Obama... All for her own benefit. You won't see them owning up to Wright as this hit job plays out. The rightwing wants Obama out because they think he will be harder to beat (No Duh!) and the media wants their pre-ordained McCain - Clinton match up in the next elections. (Double No Duh!)
When you look at just how many rightwing nutjob preachers have preached a "God Damn America!" sermon and other kinds of hate and intollerance over the decades and the right wing politicians embrace them as part of the base of the GOP:
Holy Crap! Those statements are pretty damning statements of America. And you can add the FRC's Peter Sprigg to right wingnut religions recent outrageous statement: "I would much prefer to export homosexuals from the United States than to import them into the United States because we believe homosexuality is destructive to society." And those are some of the mildly overt ones you will find from religious right wingnuts. I haven't even touched on the Phelps families of the world and groups like the FIC soft peddling bigoted views...Jerry Falwell
"(re: 9/11 attacks) "...throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools, the abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked and when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad...I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who try to secularize America...I point the thing in their face and say you helped this happen.""
"AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals"
"Textbooks are Soviet propaganda"
"The ACLU is to Christians what the American Nazi party is to Jews"
"The whole (global warming) thing is created to destroy America's free enterprise system and our economic stability"
"Homosexuality is Satan's diabolical attack upon the family that will not only have a corrupting influence upon our next generation, but it will also bring down the wrath of God upon America."
Rod Parsley
I do not believe our country can truly fulfill its divine purpose until we understand our historical conflict with Islam. I know that this statement sounds extreme, but I do not shrink from its implications. The fact is that America was founded, in part, with the intention of seeing this false religion destroyed, and I believe September 11, 2001, was a generational call to arms that we can no longer ignore.
Pat Robertson
"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we are trying to assassinate him, we should go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot easier than starting a war, and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."
Ariel Sharon's stroke was God's punishment for giving up Gaza and the 9/11 attack was divine retribution against America -- America's fault -- for tolerating gays, feminists and the ACLU
"Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It's no different. It is the same thing. It is happening all over again. It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-based media and the homosexuals who want to destroy the Christians. Wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry directed toward any group in America today. More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history."
"I know this is painful for the ladies to hear, but if you get married, you have accepted the headship of a man, your husband. Christ is the head of the household and the husband is the head of the wife, and that's the way it is, period."
"Maybe we need a very small nuke thrown off on Foggy Bottom to shake things up" –Pat Robertson, on nuking the State Department
Here is a another Hillary Clinton whackjob spiritual connection that is also shared by too many other politicians, both on the right and the left:
The audio clips you can hear in this video I have produced are taken from sermons given by the man Senator Hillary Clinton has described as her "spiritual mentor": Doug Coe.
Doug Coe is the head of a secretive Washington religious organization, which hosts the yearly National Prayer Breakfast : The Family
The Family is not a conspiracy.
The Family is a right-wing fundamentalist, elitist power cult.
The Family is a global influence peddling ring with links to some of the most savage, bloodthirsty regimes of the 20th Century.
The audio clips you can hear in this video production are taken from sermons given by the man Hillary Clinton has described as her "spiritual mentor", Doug Coe.
[update] Link to YouTube video on The Family and Coe since it keeps messing up...
When is every single politician going to be held accountable for their longstanding connections to these tools of religious insanity? And YES! "The Family" is Hillary's group:
Other wingnuts you might find at a typical event held by "The Family"?Ehrenreich writes:
The Family's most visible activity is its blandly innocuous National Prayer Breakfast, held every February in Washington. But almost all its real work goes on behind the scenes -- knitting together international networks of rightwing leaders, most of them ostensibly Christian. In the 1940s, The Family reached out to former and not-so-former Nazis, and its fascination with that exemplary leader, Adolph Hitler, has continued, along with ties to a whole bestiary of murderous thugs.
She then quotes from a report by Jeff Sharlet in Harper's in 2003:
During the 1960s the Family forged relationships between the U.S. government and some of the most anti-Communist (and dictatorial) elements within Africa's postcolonial leadership. The Brazilian dictator General Costa e Silva, with Family support, was overseeing regular fellowship groups for Latin American leaders, while, in Indonesia, General Suharto (whose tally of several hundred thousand "Communists" killed marks him as one of the century's most murderous dictators) was presiding over a group of fifty Indonesian legislators. During the Reagan Administration the Family helped build friendships between the U.S. government and men such as Salvadoran general Carlos Eugenios Vides Casanova, convicted by a Florida jury of the torture of thousands, and Honduran general Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, himself an evangelical minister, who was linked to both the CIA and death squads before his own demise.
Apparently, Clinton fell in with the group in 1993, when she joined a prayer group mainly composed of wives of conservative politicians like James Baker and Jack Kemp.
When she ascended to the senate, she was promoted to what Sharlet calls the Family's "most elite cell," the weekly Senate Prayer Breakfast, which included, until his downfall, Virginia's notoriously racist Senator George Allen. This has not been a casual connection for Clinton. She has written of Doug Coe, the Family's publicity-averse leader, that he is "a unique presence in Washington: a genuinely loving spiritual mentor and guide to anyone, regardless of party or faith, who wants to deepen his or her relationship with God."
Furthermore, the Family takes credit for some of Clinton's rightward legislative tendencies, including her support for a law guaranteeing "religious freedom" in the workplace, such as for pharmacists who refuse to fill birth control prescriptions and police officers who refuse to guard abortion clinics.
There's a new book coming about the group coming out in May by Jeff Sharlet, who wrote the Harper's piece and joined one of the sect's male only group homes to learn more about them.
The whole thing is deeply disturbing and worth reading. Link again is here:

A crowd of 4,000, including President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush, lawmakers, judges, heads of state and others from more than 100 countries, came together for coffee, conversation and spiritual contemplation at the annual National Prayer Breakfast held this morning in Washington, D.C..
The biggest stir came when Republican presidential front-runner, Sen. John McCain, made a conspicuous entrance with Sen. Joseph Lieberman, the Democrat-turned-independent senator from Connecticut. While most of the audience quietly awaited opening remarks, the two senators made the long walk from the back of the ballroom to their table at the front. They sat side-by-side and seemed oblivious to the flock of photographers who had swooped in for a few close-ups. McCain played it coy last month when asked if he was considering a McCain-Lieberman ticket; Lieberman, he responded, would “be a great partner in any endeavor.”The National Prayer Breakfast is an outgrowth of a separate private weekly prayer breakfasts that various members of Congress have attended since the 1940s.
In his comments, Bush said he was pleased to carrying on a practice observed by every president since Dwight Eisenhower. “It’s an important tradition and I’m sure presidents who come after me will do the same,” Bush said as he tipped his head in the direction of McCain.
The National Prayer Breakfasts, sponsored by "The Family," are the biggest story never talked about by the media concerning its connections to religious fanatics, their truly scary beliefs and behind the scenes political power around the globe.
Screw them all if they - the Clintons, the media and the GOP wingtards - haven't figured out what a political joke they are all becoming. And all because they can't accept the possibility of an outside candidate out working them all on his way into the White House.
I can understand the Clinton and McCain campaigns throwing "the kitchen sink" at Obama... But when the media uses their partisan ammunition and ignores the hypocrisy of it all, then they are throwing Obama under the bus for their own obviusly partisan reasons.
The media needs to start taking a hard look at the Clintons, McCains and the right wing GOP's religious stupidity and demanding (in days of unending relentlessness) apologies and repudiations and the media needs to continue to speculate on the "genuineness of" of their repudiations for weeks afterwards... It would be the only way they could claim any genuine semblance of balance on these issues.
[update] To fix link, video and info on HRC's ties to "The Family".
5 Years
Today, police arrested more than 30 people “who blocked entrances at the Internal Revenue Service building” as “part of a day of protests to mark the fifth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.” Demonstrators also converged in Miami and San Francisco, and other cities across the country.

It wasn't long after that until we heard and read the banner news that it was all over:
MAY 1, 2003:
Mission Accomplished
"My fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended."
-Bush, 5/1/03
It is five years later and, right now, 3992 American soldiers have died in Iraq. Innocent Iraqi civilians are still getting slaughtered by supposed friends and foe alike. And bush fanatics talk of 10, 100 OR even ONE THOUSAND more years of this. Nevermind the last five years. What has happened just in the last week in Iraq?
Monday 17 March: 92 dead
Baghdad: 3 are killed in minibus explosion, Karrada; roadside bomb kills policeman, Mansour; mortar attack kill 5 at soccer field (2 of them children), Ghadeer; mortars hit house, kill 6 children, Sawmar; 7 bodies.
Karbala: suicide bomber kills 52 near shrine.
Basra: gunmen kill policeman; woman's body found.
Haditha: gunmen attack checkpoint, kill policeman.
Abu Saida: roadside bomb kills 1.
Mosul: roadside bomb kills 1; 10 bodies.
Udhaim: 3 bodies of neighbourhood patrol found.
Sunday 16 March: 26 dead
Baghdad: car bomb kills 1, Mansour; 5 bodies.
Hwedir: 5 policemen die in clashes.
Khanaqeen: roadside bomb kills Kurd.
Muqdadiya: 2 bodies.
Mosul: gunmen kill 2 policemen; roadside bomb kills 1; 3 bodies -one beloning to 11-year-old boy.
Basra: 4 bodies.
Kut: 2 bodies.
Baghdad: 2 bodies.
Al-Huwayder: gunmen kill civilian.
3 bodies.
Mosul: truck bomb kills 1 at checkpoint; bodies of 3 brothers found.
Kut: 6 die in clashes; gunmen kill 1 during house raid.
Numaniya: body found.
Iskandariya: gunmen kill civilian.
Friday 14 March: 15 dead
Baghdad: football coach is shot dead, Al-Yarmuk; street sweeper killed by roadside bomb; 2 bodies.
Kut: 2 policemen are killed in clashes; motorcycle bomb kills 1; chieftain's son is killed in clashes; bomb strikes minibus, kills 2.
Hilla: rockets kill 4.
Rabiya: suicide bomber kills interpreter at Syrian border.
Baghdad: car bomb kills 18, Bab al-Sharki; gunmen kill journalist; 3 bodies.
Baquba: civilian killed by gunman.
Al-Hajaj: 3 Sahwa killed by gunmen.
Tikrit: gunmen kill policeman.
Baiji: gunmen kill 2 at checkpoint.
Samarra: 15-year-old girl is shot dead by police who open fire on family car at checkpoint.
Najaf: policeman killed in drive-by shooting.
Al Zab: suicide bomber kills 3.
Kirkuk-Rashad highway: car bomb kills 1.
Kut: 2 killed by rockets during clashes.
Daybaka: 1 body found.
Mosul: abducted Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho is found dead.
Baghdad: roadside bomb kills 2, Amin; 4 bodies.
Bazaiz Buhrz: US forces fire warning shot and kill 10-year-old girl.
Benizad: 5 Sahwa shot and beheaded at checkpoint.
Dali Abass: 1 body.
Kanaan-Balad Ruz: 1 body.
Imam Habash: 2 bodies.
Muqdadiya: 2 bodies.
Baiji: policeman is shot dead.
Samarra: 3 fuel truck drivers killed by roadside bomb.
Baghdad: gunman kills 1 riding on minibus; 5 bodies.
Dhuluiya: suicide car bomber kills 8 at checkpoint.
Tikrit: 3 die in US airstrike.
Samarra: 20 bodies found in mass grave -5 of them children.
Kut: 22 are killed in clashes, 5 of them children.
Muqdadiya: 2 bodies.
Dhi Qar
Nassiriya: roadside bomb hits bus carrying mourners returning from a funeral, kills 16.
Yusufiya: bomb explodes in building, kills 1.
Iskandariya: gunmen kill 1.
Thar Thar: suicide car bomber kills 2 Sahwa members.
Mosul: 5 are killed when gunmen attack police checkpoint; 3 die in a car when US helicopter opens fire.
Basra: gunmen kill 1.
Just a typical week in Iraq as bush spreads FreeDumb. Do you really want to do the math on five years of this:

I'll save you the trouble of doing the simple math here...
FIVE YEARS times 52 WEEKS times 21 DEAD IRAQI KIDS equals
A special place place in hell for all of you war cheerleaders...
If you are currently stuck in a foreclosure battle...
Yesterday, the FBI disclosed that it has launched criminal investigations against 17 companies “in the fallout of the subprime mortgage collapse.” Two Justice Department officials have confirmed that Countrywide Financial is one of the companies under investigation.Ya know... Courts might not want to be rushing to judgments in these cases. There is nothing routine about what is going across America in this mortgage crisis. The article discusses some of the problems they see:
While the bureau will not comment on the companies that are under investigation, two Justice Department officials confirmed to ABC News reports in last week's Wall Street Journal that Countrywide Financial is under investigation.
FBI and Justice Department officials declined to comment on any open cases after the recent troubles of investment bank Bear Stearns, which JPMorgan Chase bailed out earlier this week by purchasing the company.
But in an interview with the Reuters news service Tuesday, Neil Power, section chief of the FBI's Economics Crimes Unit, alluded to a possible probe, saying, "Common sense would indicate that we would look at something that big."
"The problem is that banks weren't doing their due diligence," Power said.
It would seem to me that a lack of due diligence on the part of the banks would make them more responsible for any foreclosures on people that should not have had mortgages offered to them in the first place. We expect Joe and Suzy Sixpack to be a little bit ignorant in how these things work and the risks involved but banks should bear a greater responsibility since this is their field of expertise. It seems to me that anyone being foreclosed on in these kind of situations (ARMs, balloon payment mortgages, etc.) should be looked at as somewhat of a victim to a crime.
Also being looked at are hedge funds, like Bear Sterns, and their investments and transactions surrounding all of this. There are some emails that suggest some serious problems in Bear Stern's management. It is also a seemingly ever changing investigation:
Though the list of companies under investigation has grown, one FBI official said the number of firms under investigation is "fluid," as some of them may not pan out, some of them might close and more firms could come under scrutiny as these long-ranging investigations continue.
The FBI Criminal Investigative Division currently has 1,253 mortgage fraud investigations into all types of mortgage fraud and schemes around the country, including illegal property flipping, home equity schemes and check fraud cases.
Currently in the works is some possible relief for those that are suffering under looming foreclosures:
Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) and Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) are introducing legislation “aimed at stabilizing financial markets by helping as many as 2 million homeowners avoid foreclosure.” The separate bills look to give the Federal Housing Administration “a key role in helping to renegotiate distressed mortgages and would provide up to $300 billion in guarantees to new lenders.”Hopefully this is not too little too late and - unlike handing out corporate welfare to the likes of Bank of America, Countrywide and Bear and Sterns - this will offer some real help to the American people that need it.
[update] via C&L, America is becoming a tent city nation:
Why doesn’t our media cover stories like this? They talk about the economy and mortgage crisis, but they aren’t showing the real effects of it. Instead we have to rely upon foreign news to hear about tent cities popping up in America, full of citizens that once owned their own homes.
Iraq War Blogswarm Tomorrow

March 19 will be the last day of the first five years of the invasion of Iraq. Numerous bloggers will be swarming the internets about this subject. I will be one of them.There are 271 Blogs signed on to this so far but the reality is that many Blogs will be covering the sad fact that we will have been occupying an illegally invaded nation, Iraq, for five years as of tomorrow, whether as part of the Blogswarm or not. Just in case you hadn't noticed because the news stopped covering Iraq... Not like it is an election issue or anything, eh?I don’t know much about getting images and adding links and all of that simple techy stuff so I am not able (at this moment) to put the supplied graphic/link in my side bar. I have, however, figured out how to put images as well as links in my posts so here is the link to the March 19 blogswarm site.
Chris Shays Killer's Eyes
It sounds like Ted Mann asked the wrong question:MLN has the video of Shays being crazy, as per usual."The Iraqis," said Shays, before briefly threatening to end the interview on the subject, "are starting to like us, and that's a fact."The congressman grew animated when asked if that was not an anecdotal judgment, explaining that he had gauged the opinion of Iraqis by going "outside the umbrella of the military" on his frequent visits to the country.
It is a bit of a sore spot, I suppose. In 2008, on the five year anniversary of the invasion, Shays says he regrets his vote on the IWR because we didn't find any WMD in Iraq:
"Knowing what I know now, I would not have voted (for it), on two accounts," said Shays, of the 4th District in Fairfield County, in a phone interview. "One, there weren't weapons of mass destruction. But the second count is if I had known how poorly we would fight the war the first three and a half years. So, you know we made horrendous mistakes."Yet way back in 2006, when the war was a mere three and a half years old, Shays said we should have gone into Iraq "sooner" and "not for WMD"
Chris Shays is no different than bush or McCain. They are all bloodthirsty warmongers in the GOP.
Obama Picks Up 7 More Delegates in Iowa Saturday
Iowa Democratic Party officials said that with more than 86 percent of the delegates picked, Obama claimed 52 percent of the delegates elected at county conventions on Saturday, compared to 32 percent for Clinton. About 16 percent of the delegates picked at Saturday's conventions were sticking with Edwards, even though he's dropped from the race since Iowa held its caucuses in January.Note the funky emergence of some funny term that has no definition in political speak: "automatic delegates"? Meaningless unless you are trying to make something "super" seem less sinister when you try and convince them to "automatically" vote for the loser in Colorado:
Democratic Party projections said the results mean Obama increased by seven the number of delegates he collects from the state, getting a total of 23 compared to 14 for Clinton and seven for Edwards, with one to be decided.
Twelve automatic delegates bring the state's total to 57. Obama has been endorsed by four of those and Clinton three, with the remainder uncommitted.
A while back we noted that top Clinton advisor Harold Ickes had admonished the press not to use the phrase "super delegates" but instead to employ what he claims is the more accurate "automatic delegates." The Clinton campaign has pushed for this change of phrase on the thinking that calling them "super delegates" carries a negative connotation that somehow they're more powerful or privileges than other delegates. And that's important because their path to the nomination will almost certainly have to rely on super delegates going overwhelmingly for Clinton despite Obama's having the majority of pledged delegates.
Got that?
Hey AP! Quit the stenography posing as journalism and report on the facts about the SUPER delegates.