
CNN: 72% Want More Governmental Involvement With Health Care

Hot off the front page of the burnt orange...

More proof we are a center-right nation from CNN:

Seventy-two percent of those questioned in recent CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey say they favor increasing the federal government's influence over the country's health care system in an attempt to lower costs and provide health care coverage to more Americans, with 27 percent opposing such a move. Other recent polls show six in 10 think the government should provide health insurance or take responsibility for providing health care to all Americans.

Is it me or is it getting hot in here? Even the media is ratcheting it up a notch.


The Young Swell said...

Is there any way to find out whether the 27% who don't want government involvement are also the "Heckovajob Bushie" 27%?

Connecticut Man1 said...

It has got to be the dead-head bush-bots combined with the dittoheads. (Apologies to fans of the Grateful Dead)

Distributorcap said...

those 27% are friends of Zach "health care is a privilege" Wamp

Connecticut Man1 said...

Does Zach "health care is a privilege" Wamp really have any friends after that? Note to Zach: You can't by friends.

A lot of us were wondering how the media would react to the health summit. This is an interesting message for CNN to be pushing.