ePluribus Media presents ePluribus Radio
"Don't Hijack My Thread!" is an interactive discussion on today's hot political topics with a progressive slant. Join "rapid fire" hosts Adam Lambert (clammyc) and David Atkins (thereisnospoon)!
Don't Hijack My Thread! will be recording another live show this week and we need callers. Think you have what it takes to sit on hold for upwards of five minutes for a few moments of radio obscurity and acute political observation?
Tonight's topics include:
- Libby's "non-pardon" and the rule of law
- Democrats' Q2 fundraising numbers
- Moving past fear
- Fred Thompson and his connection to Nixon and Watergate
- Why do the republicans love Rudy?
For those interested in calling in, the number is: (718) 508-9410
Don't Hijack My Thread is produced with ePluribus Radio, and the site is http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hostpage.aspx?show_id=32639
You can stream the show live as it airs or download it an hour after air time.
- Please turn the radio off in the background when you go on air
- We can't screen callers or talk to you off-air, so be ready to state your name or blogger handle when we suddenly throw you live, on air with clammy c and the gang!
- Speak LOUD and CLEAR. We are severely limited in terms of our ability to control sound volume and even audio quality. We are looking into ways of increasing production values
- Familiarize yourself with our format and foibles by taking a listen to last week's show, linked in a previous Don't Hijack My Thread! post. Just click the media player embedded for your convenience--you don't have to download ANYTHING.

I heard some of the replay and will do my best to catch it live and call in next time.
It is usually on Wednesday nights.
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