Via CGG's ever caffeinated Blog:
On January 22nd - the 34th anniversary of Roe v. Wade - we are asking pro-choice bloggers to join us in a day of activism for choice. Blog for Choice Day is a chance to raise the profile of reproductive rights issues in the blogosphere and the media, and to let everyone know that a woman's right to choose is nonnegotiable.
This year's topic is a simple one: tell us, and your readers, why you're pro-choice.
Sign up for Blog for Choice Day below to let us know that you're planning on devoting at least one post on January 22nd to sharing the story behind your pro-choice beliefs. You can download a Blog for Choice Day sidebar graphic to let your readers know that you're participating. We'll send you a reminder, and link to your post here. You can also tag your posts with "Blog for Choice" to show you're joining in.
If you're not a blog or a website, please encourage your favorite sites to take part in Blog for Choice Day!
Together we can ensure that the blogosphere is flooded on January 22nd with pro-choice voices.
This is one of the reasons I became involved in the multi-blogger "Anti-Alito-Brigade" effort...
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