
Iraqi PM Maliki Proposes Setting Timetable for Withdrawal

So... There goes another artificial Republican talking point down the drain:

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has raised the prospect of setting a timetable for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.

It comes as the US attempts to push through a new security deal before the end of 2008, when the UN mandate allowing a US presence in Iraq expires.

The Pentagon has played down the suggestion of a withdrawal timetable.

But correspondents say Iraqi MPs would be more likely to back Mr Maliki if the deal includes such a timetable.
This is as big an issue in the upcoming Iraqi elections as it is in the USA as most Iraqis, like most Americans, want the occupation to end.

There is a clear choice in the upcoming US elections between John "100 years in Iraq" McCain and Barack Obama's sane and much needed 16 month plan for withdrawal.

In other Iraq news and via the BBC:


Anonymous said...

this blog is turning out to be an absolute fountain of information i had not seen elsewhere. thanks!

in re the link to the story titled "us 'to scrap' contractor immunity," i thought, well, that's a great idea and went over to the bbc news site to read the story. on a different page, about an iraqi family asking for acknowledgment of and apology for the murder of their young son by blackwater employees in lieu of "reimbursement" and noticed BBC has a link to a story titled "iraq to end contractor immunity" dated october 2007.

they float this crap to shut us up. same reason that between 2003 and 2008 bush used to periodically "promise" to reduce troop levels. none of these things are going to happen but they sound good.

Connecticut Man1 said...

I'll take that as high praise considering the many Blogs out there. I try and do my best to put together stories others may have missed in order to compliment the many other local and national Blogs that have their niches well carved out.

Thank you for the kind words! And for taking the time to check out some of the stuff I think is important.