
Village Idiot Days

Tomorrow is the annual town get-together, Village Fair Days (Friday and Saturday, July 30 & 31). Local and regional politicos will be there, so make sure to ask them some "real" questions, as the local media doesn't seem to know what those are. Come back and post your findings here - I'd love to hear it!

If you can't come up with any questions for Village Idiot Days, try a few of these.

  • Bob Guendelsberger: Was Terry Pellegrini correct? Are you driving "home" to Brookfield tonight?
  • Roger Szendy: You and Beth Falder seem to be good friends; is that why she's now on the Board of Finance? BTW: That's Abe Lincoln's statue - not you.
  • Ray O'Brien: If you think it's time for new ideas, then isn't it time for you to go? Have you been on the town council for 30 years?
  • Walter Bayer: You don't have email? I'm so glad you're making technology decisions... not! You're a DINO and a dinosaur.
  • Lynette Rigdon: Who writes your comments for BOE meetings?
  • John Lillis & Liba Furhman: Do you do anything for local Dems? Kissing Chris Murphy's butt does not count, however.
  • Clark Chapin: How many of your relatives work in town government (don't include your "girlfriend")?
  • Bill Wellman: What do you do on the BOE other than complain? You don't volunteer for any "real" work. And who writes your comments?
  • New Milford First: Without Bob Kostes, are you relevant?
  • Peter Mullen and Mary Jane Lundgren: Why don't the local Dems have a website? Pull the plug on your current leadership - life support is too expensive for the rest of us.
  • Any Democrat on the Town Committee: When have you last run a candidate between the ages of 21 - 50?
  • Mayor Murphy: The town finished with a surplus last year (2008 - 2009), so why did you act as if the sky was falling during budget season? Shouldn't town employees be ticked off they didn't get some sort of raise? If I were a town employee I'd be very upset!
  • Ray Jankowski: Speak up, Mumbles!

Have fun at Village Idiot Days! And remember to come back and share your experiences.


Connecticut Man1 said...

I am actually thinking of bringing my camera and looking for some of these people to ask them some generic political stuff. Maybe... If I have time.

I am not sure that "Speak up, Mumbles!" would qualify? lol

Biggest upcoming local issues to get them on the record IF I can, in your opinion? Preferably generic non-sandbagging questions...

CT Fair and Balanced said...

How about "Please speak up Mumbles." You can never hear the guy on most important topics - some folks in town hall call him Mumbles. LOL - but true.

Biggest local issues: Ad Hoc Committee - what do you hope it will accomplish? Why, Mayor, in 7 years, have you come up with virtually no ideas on your own?

How did the Town's Undesignated fund go up over $2 million in fiscal year 2008 - 2009? Wasn't that supposed to be the worst economy of our lifetime? Did you put money in this account at the expense of town employees raises and funding schools? Or did you borrow this money and now we're paying interest on it?

Why can't the town sell either the Century Brass or Still Meadow properties?

fuzzyturtle said...

did you check out Peter Schiff's winnebago driving AROUND and AROUND the green? I suspect he gets 2 miles/gallon with that monstrosity. I was going to throw myself under it (SCHIFFMOBILE HITS RESIDENT) but MrFuzzyTurtle talked me out of it. Some people may have cheered, I was wearing a BLUMENTHAL sticker.

And WTH with Linda McSteriods blowing through town? Im surprised Patty Murphy-Chapin didn't clamor to get a photo op with her.

The NM Dems should at least have a Facebook page, doesn't everybody? Do they??

PS I was going to buy one of the cute tiedye shirts from the cub scounts, but I gave my last $10 to the Green candidate's daughters memorial scholarshiup fund. :(

Connecticut Man1 said...

"I was going to throw myself under it (SCHIFFMOBILE HITS RESIDENT)"

I am positive there are better ways for you to deal with them. :) I got there but only for a while. And the time was used up with an interview with the "Tea Party indy" candidate, Warren Mosler, which went more like an elongated lecture than an interview. The guy is smart but has a mish-mash of good ideas and stuff I would disagree with. The stuff he talks about that I'd agree with is probably why the Tea Party is behind Schiff - who is that far out of touch with the mainstream.

CT Fair and Balanced said...

Fuzzyturtle: I just checked, and they still have no FB page. That's in addition to no website, My Space, short wave radio, or 800 number. Until recently, their leader had a "dial" telephone, black & white TV, and no access to email. Since he now has a cell phone, he may have added other upgrades as well.

It's embarrassing.