NBA referees rigged a 2002 playoff series to force it to a revenue-boosting seven games. That's what a former referee at the center of a gambling scandal is alleging. Without identifying anyone or naming teams, disgraced referee Tim Donaghy (DAHN'-uh-gee) also claims the NBA routinely encouraged refs to ring up bogus fouls to manipulate results but calls against star players. Speaking before the start of the NBA finals Game 3 featuring the Los Angeles Lakers and Boston Celtics, NBA commissioner David Stern calls the allegations baseless
Will we get to hear him be outraged about this serious sports issue instead of the minor issue of people dying in Iraq?
Previously brewed in New Milford:
The Twisted Republican Perspective
Nearly 4,000 dead American soldiers and over 29,000 wounded U.S. Casualties By Calendar Year
Year US Deaths US Wounded 2003 486 2,416 2004 849 8,002 2005 846 5,947 2006 822 6,400 2007 901 6,084 2008 56 231 Total 3960 29080
And the senile old fart, Republican John McCain, thinks debating his age will distract us?McCain campaign manager Rick Davis today sent an unmistakable message to Barack Obama over the Illinois Democrat's effort to stoke the obvious age contrast between himself and the 71-year-old McCain: Bring it on.Hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis...We maintain a daily count based on news reports. It is not intended to be complete. There is no agency that keeps track of accurate numbers of Iraqis killed. JustForeignPolicy maintains a running estimate based on the Lancet study with the rate of increase derived from the Iraq Body Count.And Republican Senator Arlen Specter is intent on hunting down football tapes? "There was confirmation that there has been taping since 2000, when Coach Belichick took over," Specter said.On the home front, the country is getting flushed down the toilet by failed conservative policies run amok:Specter said Goodell gave him that information during the 1-hour, 40-minute meeting, which was requested by Specter so the commissioner could explain his reasons for destroying the Spygate tapes and notes.
The U.S. economy is faltering. Family debt is on the rise, benefits are disappearing, the deficit is skyrocketing, and the mortgage crisis has worsened. Conservatives have attempted to deflect attention from the crisis, by blaming the media’s negative coverage and insisting the United States is not headed toward a recession, despite what economists are predicting.And Republican Rep. Chris Shays is in a steroid induced stupor:Once again, Chris Shays embarrasses the state of Connecticut with one of the most embarrassing tirades to date. Our congressman from the fourth district took grandstanding to a whole new level with his browbeating of Roger Clemens trainer Brian McNamee during today's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on steroids in baseball.
After hearing Shays refer to McNamee as a "drug dealer" and spewing out what can only be described as complete nonsense, WFAN's sports radio personality (and former Shays supporter) Chris "Mad Dog" Russo saw the light.
Living up to his famous nickname, Russo took Shays to the woodshed and became Jim Himes' biggest supporter...all in the classic Mad Dog fashion that's made Russo famous.
It is obvious that the only campaign platform these spineless GOP candidates have to run on this election cycle is to avoid and deflect from every issue that is really important to this nation. These Republican children need to grow up and take responsibility for the failures they have created. There is no doubt about this fact:The GOP has lost all perspective of reality.
And anyone would have to be a fool to vote for any of them...
[update] Changed video to add extended version of ctblogger's uploaded video. Original video is here... And normally I wouldn't ask this BUT... Help Connecticut Bob shut up:"Shays struck out swinging with his ridiculous tirade. His wild pitch embarrassed everyone in the 4th District. Help Jim Himes hit a grand slam by contributing to Jim's ActBlue fund.JK Bob :)
If you do, I promise I'll stop with the stupid baseball references."
Don't stop with the baseball references. They're working.
John McCain isn't working for women.
All of us in Connecticut's left will do our best to keep the stupidity of Chris Shays' remarks and actions out there in full view for everyone to see. And McCain is no different than Shays in his flip-flopping hypocrisies. Thanks for the comment hope!
you cannot gag an idiot. Too bad he cant get constipation of the mouth and brain
hope u are taking care of yourself folk
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